Book Character

Today we learned about dressing as our favorite book character day and i was excited, Yesterday we had to paint our props like katana’s, Sword and we made a mess because one of us got paint on their jacket.

I dressed up as Michonne from the walking dead comic book, My jeans were tight. My shirt and jacket were ripped and it was exact i needed for my costume,I braided my hair,

Visual Mihi

today matua Aina told us how to make a Visual Mihi it is 5 things you ilke and a picture of you in the middle i like playing sports my favourtine animal is a tigger  and puppys they are so cute when puppys  i love my family they are the best my favourtine movie is Avengers end game for kiwi can i win when i pick Avengers end game  it is so much fun

Precipitating Clouds

today we did a science experiment with a piptte  green fooding coloring and a jar shaveing cream. use the jar and full it half way with water then use the shaveing cream and put some on top of the water. then use the piptte get some fooding coloring from the bottle.then put the food coloring in the jar. watch the food coloring fall down from the top of the jar to the bottem. there is one more way you can do this like is you need a match jar food coloring ice. full the jar with water half way add food coloring in the jar. ligth the match  it in drop the jar then put the jar lid up side down then. put the ice on the lid. then it well make a colud

Estuary Health Check



Low tides are when the water is low and the water is not where it is meant to be and when it is not there the water goes wired  and you can see more wet sand then you can feel some shells and you might get a cut on you. 

On the sand there are sharp thing on the sand onces I got cut on my feet


Organizing the teams you have to organize the teams because there are other places with cockles and when you organize the team you can get more cockles and then you can give more tok your job and when you have done that you can measure the cockles.


Counting the cockles and you have to pick it  one by one and then when you have all of them you need to counting them so you know how much there is and then you can put all of it in a box the you can put the box in the car and when you can put it in the car you can go give it to the job you work at.


Healthy estuary and cockles the wide part of a river where it nears the sea; fresh and saltwater mixed and then cockles get all the nutrients and then it is a good one so then they have to check if it is good to eat.

 Good to eat cockles they have to smell it and if it smell like a wired rotten smell then it is not good it is hard to open them because they are in a shell and   you need a knife to open them but it is dangerous and if it slips it can cut you And you might have to go to the hospital. there might be sait water inside the cockles.




Building a positive Reputation. Learning about Smart Footprint

Today, l learnt about Smart Footprint with Matua Aina and how to be safe and responsible when we go online.

I also learnt about having a positive reputation.  This means how people what I am like online.